This weeks plan: Run: 7 tempo, 4 easy, 4 easy, 18 long, 3 recovery. 2 gym classes.
As usual I shuffled things around quite a bit.
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 4 easy @ 9:28 pace, body sculpt class
(Lululemon black energy bra, baroque blue 105f singlet, 2013 Sea Wheeze speed shorts)
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 3.8 easy @ 9:08 pace
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 7.5 easy @ 9:09 pace
(Lululemon bali breeze crb, gray 1/2 zip swiftly, MPG crops)
Totals: 33.4 miles, 1 class
I missed a 3-miler and switched my speedwork to an easy run but life was a little crazy this week. I need to be more diligent with this. This training season is actually flying by though, I can't believe I'm up to 18 miles already!