Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The tailbone's connected to the.....?

I've been meaning to blog about this for a while now. Actually, about a month. But I didn't, thinking that by sticking my head in the blogging sand the problem would go away on it's own.

It didn't.

So here's the story. During the last half of the Detroit marathon on October 19th my hips and thighs really tightened up, causing me to walk/jog the rest of the race. For the two days after I still had pain in these areas, but by the Wednesday after I was pain free.

Fast forward to a week and a half later. We went to a Halloween party on Saturday night. I got pretty lit, but I know I didn't fall. I was wearing white, I would remember this. Anyway the next morning I woke up and could not put ANY weight or pressure on my tailbone. It was killing me! It even hurt to walk. My hips and thighs (and everything else) were pain free. It was just my tailbone.

W. T. F.

If I sit straight up it doesn't hurt, but the minute I lean back (like on a sofa) the pain is right there. And yes, I am still having this pain over a month later. It lessened in intensity after about a week but has maintained since then.

What gives? I googled, which is something you should never do with an now I think I'm dying of cancer. I also read that they can take tailbones out? Huh?

So what do you all think? Do I call the doctor? I really really don't care for rectal exams. And besides, what the hell do I say when I call? My tailbone hurts?


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


It has been a full MONTH since I have ran! I just really dread the darkness and the cold and especially the snow and ice, but I can't exactly quit running until March, right? I can feel my thighs jiggling as I type.

That is a problem. Here, my friends, is my hopeful ohmygoshthisbettermotivateme solution.

The website claims that you can run normally and you don't slip. Super duper.

They are $29.95 on the website - not a bad price considering what they enable you to do. However, my frugal self just couldn't click that button without first doing some deal searching. And deals, did I find! =) Using my new favorite shopping search engine and the always-a-favorite Ebay, I managed to score a set of brand new Yaktrax for $23.54, including shipping. And if that deal wasn't good enough, I will be getting $6.26 of that back, thanks to the Microsoft Live Search.

Final cost = $17.28

Not too shabby! Now if only I can peel my lazy butt off the sofa when they get here...