Thursday, September 25, 2008

Long time no blog!

This has been one of the craziest and most stressful months of my life, no doubt. I don't even know where to start.

I had to take a full 10 days off to get rid of the knee and hip pain. The good news is that it's GONE. And the shin splints - gone. I have no leg pain whatsoever and that is very odd for me. I'm not sure if it was the extended rest or the new shoes, but something worked! I haven't been running my full schedule...since taking the 10 days off I'm finding it hard to run more than 5 miles at a time. My legs are a-ok but my chest feels like I'm going to have a heart attack. I am having some personal issues on the home front and as a result I haven't been able to eat or sleep normally (I've even lost 5 pounds, and typically my weight doesn't fluctuate more than a pound). It's very stressful. If I can't pull off at least a 15 miler (ideally 20) this weekend then I'm going to skip the Detroit Marathon. I just won't be mentally or physically ready. But I'm certainly going to try, so this weekend will be a deal maker or breaker for me. Ahhhh, the pressure.

My sweet, loving, wonderful daughter decided a couple of weeks ago that I didn't need my beloved Product Red, 2gb Ipod shuffle anymore, and so unbeknownst to me, she chucked it out of the bike buggy during a ride and now it's history. more hurdle for my shitty September. After stewing about that for nearly a week, I now have a fresh sassy green 2gb shuffle (and $70 less in the purse) so I shall carry on. :)

And now for some happy news...
At the beginning of this month I was given the opportunity to read Dean Karnazes 50/50 book. AMAAAAAAAAAAAZING! What a book! Ted graciously decided to share his copy with the blogging community, and I received it from Progman. My job is now to pass it along to the next interested blogger. The first interested reader to leave me a comment requesting the book will get the honor. It's an incredible book and thank you Ted and Paul for allowing me the opportunity to read it.

I vow to no longer neglect my blog from this point forward. Stress or no stress. Running or no running.


Lily on the Road said...

Oh I'm so interested in receiving the book to read and pass along!!!

Maybe your hip pain is better because of both the rest AND new shoes....

Glad you're feeling better!

btw, September is almost over!!! LOL

Nitmos said...

Any chance you could move to the Detroit half marathon division if you don't feel up to the full?

Good luck with the injuries. Been there. Always a bummer.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that you had so many stressors this month !!! Number one, I am glad that you took the time off to rest your legs. Number two, I am glad you have enjoyed the book. Number three, October is coming around the corner. Number four, you can always do a Marathon at a different time. Most importantly, work a little each day to make yourself stronger.

Progman2000 said...

Wow, sorry to hear about your pains Wendy, unfortunately is seems to be part of the marathon package. Hope you feel better - enjoy the new iPod!

jahowie said...

I'm glad to see that you're back. Have a great weekend!! It might be our last warm one for a while.

L*I*S*A said...

I have a feeling you'll be toeing the line in Detroit on 10/19. ;)

Steve Stenzel said...

YAY for the no pain!!!

Frayed Laces said...

Yay your injuries are over!

Laura said...

I'm in the middle of 50/50 and I LOVE it... glad you enjoyed it too!

Hope you feel better soon.

Vickie said...

And running only relieves stress so continue on!