My inner nerd is in heeeeaaaaavvvveeeeennnn. My new Garmin came and it was like Christmas! Whooo eee boy.
I started out already late on my Sunday long run, and the Garmin froze. After trying to remember how to reset it, I ran the half mile back home and realized that I have to press and hold for SEVEN seconds, not the five I thought. Oh well, easy fix. So I set out and this thing is super groovy. Here are my splits:
Mile 1 - 9:40 (oops, got too excited)
2 - 10:00
3 - 10:04
4 - 9:50
5 - 9:55
6 - 9:56
7 - 10:12
8 - 10:20
9 - 11:24
10 - 12:03
11 - 10:56
12 - 10:31
Total time - 2:04:11, average pace 10:23
Miles 9-11 were noticeably slower because I took a few walk breaks. It was wicked hot and humid and I was dyyyyyyying of hotness. My goal marathon is 4:30 which is a little over a 10 minute mile pace. If it wasn't for the heat I could have ran this better, so hopefully next weekend my slow butt will get out of bed at 6am instead of leaving at 9am...
Oh yeah, I drank 36 oz of fluid during the run and I came home and still weighed 3.4 pounds less than when I left. Conclusion = I need to fuel more.
This weeks schedule:
Tuesday: 10-20 min warmup, 2 x (4x400)1:30 RI (2:30 between sets), 10 min cooldown
Thursday: 8 miles (10k pace + 40 seconds)
Saturday: 13 miles (PMP + 20 sec mile)
I just finished up Ultramarathon Man last night. Wow. Dean Karnazes is so motivating. He makes me feel now more than ever that 26.2 is totally doable (and chump change to him!). I'll be thinking of him during the marathon and I hope that will help me get through it!
I saw you on Marcy's blog, and I stopped in to wish you luck in your training. :-)
Ohhhh yes Garmin is the shiz!
Garmins rock. :)
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